ThemeKit Interactive

Interactive Media

AUI Aticle

The article has an image and a text block with heading, styled spans, text and an optional link.
When the optional lightbox image function is used the spyglass icon appears at the top right of the image.
The lightbox image is inserted in two sizes and has a caption and close tab.
All the image can be lazy loaded.

ThemeKit AUIArticle
ThemeKit AUI Article Overlay Image
Image in Two Sizes

Responsive Video

Most video players aren't suitable for responsive web pages. The MP4 video file needs to be inserted in two sizes and have a lazy loading function to prevent it from slowing the page load and time to be interactive (TTI) which should be less than 2 seconds.
A video needs a description for the visitors and the search engines - just like an image. Using a lightbox launched from an article provides more info and reduces the onload content.
Using self hosted MP4 is way better than using hosted video like Vimeo, Wistia or YouTube. If hosted video is used it must be launched in a lightbox and have a lazy loading function to give reasonable performance on mobile devices.

MP4 Video

ThemeKit AUI Video Lightbox

Video MP4 Lightbox

The image is the action tab to open the video in an overlay with options for a border, bottom box shadow and adjustable overlay background color and opacity.
The MP4 video file is inserted in two sizes and has a lazy load function to prevent it from slowing the page download and TTI (time to interactive) times which should be less than 2 seconds.


ThemeKit AUI YouTube Ligntbox

YouTube Lightbox

If a YouTube video player must be used it should be offscreen at page load and open in a lazy loaded lightbox for best results on mobile devices.


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