Block Image Gallery

Block Gallery
Thumbnail Caption
Caption Position Outside
Two or More lines
Caption Top - Bottom or Outside
Adjustable Grid Spacing
Imherits the thumbnail caption font
Rotate Thumbnails
Positive or Negative Angle
EOptional Border
Caption [5]
Edit Caption Color
Optional Offset Box Shadow

ThemeKit Block Gallery

The gallery can be used to display thumbnails and slide images with different aspect ratios. The grid layout can be adjusted for the number of thumnails to show at each break point.
The thumbnail images were created by bulk resizing the slideshow images using so that their file size is less tham 25KB. If more than a few thumbnails are inserted the laxy loading function should be turned on.
The captions appear below the image and can run to two or more lines by using the retirn key.
The thumbnails can be rotated left or right and there is a control to reduce the image scale to compensate.
The offset box shadow has controls for X and Y shadow radius, reverse radius and for the shadow color and its opacity.
The controls for grid row gap, grid column gap, vertical spacing and horizontal spacing can be used to adjust the appearance of the grid.
The background has controls for setting a two color background with adjustable gradient angle.
NOTE: The hover effect on the thumbnails can be turned off for mobile devices so that the images have a scale of 1 with the rotation angle set to zero. In this case the grid column with should be increased.
The gallery images are responsive up to the maximum width of the image file. A width of around 1200px for landscape images should suit most applications. This will ensure that the image file size is kept below 200KB.
There are controls to change the slide transiton, set the transition time, show/hide the counter, hide the overlay, disable right click and to preload the previous and next slide images.
To adjust for odd shaped images there are controls adjust the height and width ratios and a checkbox to scale the images to that ratio.
Slide Captions
By checking a box the captions can inherit the font family set for the thumbnail captions and have their own controls for font size, color and animation time.
The captions can be positioned to overlay at the top or bottom of the image or to be outside at the bottom.

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