Design with style like a professional with EverWeb ThemeKit themes.
A responsive web page must both download and become interactive in under 2 seconds. Pages should be tested using Goog;e's PageSpeed Insights.
Follow the link below to find out how to test a responsive website and what to do if it doesn't score high enough.
Make sure that contact info is easily visible as soon as the landing page loads. The contact bar above can be relatively positioned or overlay the bottom of the hero.
Contact info should also be at the bottom of the page and not hidden in a footer which is really not required.
Follow the link below to find out how to implement responsive navigation for best results and why the footer should be replaced.
A Buzz Box is used to draw attention to an important item. This design goes upscale by having the option to have a two color gradient background or an image inserted in three sizes with a lazy loading function.
The Buzz Box can have one internal/external link and an option to add another internal link with lots of styling options.
The height is adjusted using a slider that adds a percetage vertical padding.
The ThemeKit themes and widget packs are all about creating an efficient website with a fast enough download speed. How fast is fast enough?
The most important page as far as download time is concerned is the Home page. It's a good idea to test all the sites pages but the home page is a must.
The Home page should score over 90 in the Google PageSpeed Insights test for both desktop and mobile devices.
The most important function is the TTIA (time to interactive). This is especially important for mobile devices. If this time is more than 2 to 3 secs it's back to the drawing board!
Follow the links below to find out how to improve a web page's test score and how to test your web pages …
The article is the basic building block of a responsive website and should be used in preference to content with just a single column with text, image or video.
Smaller images and videos don't need extra code to load a smaller version for mobile devices.
This grid layout design helps to break up content and create space to make items easier to find than if they are packed into tight rows of boxes.
Some subtle custom animation can help to make a responsive web page design stand out
The ThemeKit Buzz Swing widget creates an image and an article with a swing animation using either scaleX or RotateY - or both - with a small amount of perspective.
Images occupy about 70% of the space in an average website so they need to be done right.
Failure to to prep images properly is one of the main causes of poor download performance in the browser.
Find out how to resize, optimise and insert images in a responsive website.
Most website video players are not suitable for use on responsive designs.
Discover why using hosted video like YouTube is not the best choice.
Find out why and what format and player to use to display video.
Find out the essentials of a responsive website navigation andmost navigation styles or either outdated or not effecient.
Discover why a footer is a complete waste of space and what to replace it with.