Flex Navigation
The navigation tab is fixed at the top right on screen widths above the break point. There is an option to move it down the page on mobile devices to make it easier to use.
The tab has a nav icon when the links are hidden and an X when they are in view. The icon color, background color and its opacity and border radius can be adjusted.
The container has a maximum width setting and controls for inset, background color and its opacity. The link tabs have their own controls for background color and opacity and controls to set the spacing of the link blocks.
The flex layout allows the extra links to return to a second row and center thenselves.
The current page can be indicated using a different color and the open/close animation can be slide or fade.
Open or Closed
The navigation is open when viewed on the EverWeb design canvas for editing and can be either left open at page load or closed by checking a box.
Since it has a fixed position the widget can be inserted out of the way below the footer widget.