ThemeKit EZ Animation


EZ Image

EverWeb EZ Image
EZ Image

Optional Description

Image Info

For best search engine indexing an image should be inserted in an HTML5 <figure> element with an alt text attribute and a caption in the <figcaption> element.
Inserting descriptive text in the same container as the image allows the addition of keywords.
Images in a responsive website must be inserted in at least two sizes and have the option to be lazy loaded.


Responsive Images

Images for a responsive website need to be correctly sized and optimised before importing into EverWeb.
Some max sizes are for responsive images are suggetsted in the list …


  • Full with image - max width 1200px
  • Content width image - max width 960kx
  • Tablet portrait width - max 800px
  • Mobile phone portrait image - 375px
  • Phone portrait hero - 375 x 540px

Image Prep

Before building a website arrange the images in folders, size them by cropping and optimise them all at once to save time.
An excellent app for optimising images quickly is ImageOptim

EverWeb EZ Image
Optional Caption


Lazy Loading

Images for responsive pages need to be inserted in at least two sizes for computer and mobile devices. If they are not in view at oage load they should be lazy loade for best download performance.

