ThemeKit EZ Animation

ThemeKit EZ Jumbo

ThemeKit EZ Jumbotron


This example of the ThemeKit EZ Jumbo has an image in the background with only the centered text area.
The jumbotron's height is the sum of the content height plus the value set for the percentage top and bottom padding.

ThemeKit EZ Text


The ThemeKit EZ Text widgets has a heading and text by defaut. A list with options for heading and text can be added.
When the optional list heading, text or list items are inserted they can be positioned below the first heading and text.


This text and the heading above can be used on its own or in conjunction with the list.

  • Eight default list styles
  • List item inset & vertical spacing
  • List item font size & line height
  • Controls for span tags - font size & color
  • Controls for mark tag color and background

Links & Animation

The optional navigation can has two optional links to open internal pages and one to open an external page.
The item can be animated and has a slider control to alllow it to overlap the item above.
NOTE: that the columns option is selected in this example but not in the one below.

EZ Links

Since links in text content are not used in responsive web pages it is useful to have a link bar to add related internal/external links below the text container.


The links have a hover inimation left, down, in, right or up. Animations are selected on a per link basis.
There are controls for …

  • Font size, color & background color
  • Hover animation background color
  • Link border radius
  • Link min width & horizontal spacing


The container can have a solid color or two color gradient background and has controls for top, left/right and bottom spacing to allow good separation.
