ThemeKit Images

Image Rotate

ThemeKit Image Rotate
Rotate Image No Link


The ThemeKit IMG Rotate inserts the mage in two sizes for computer and mobile devices and has an optional lazy loading function which should be used when the item is not in the viewport at page load.
The image has a caption and can be configured as an internal or external link indicated by the icon at the top right.
The image is rotated on the Z-axis and the rotation direction can be switched. In the rotated position the scale is reduce. The image have a border and can show an offset box shadow in the rotated position. The box shadow can switched to a bottom box shadow when rotated.

ThemeKit Image Rotate 1
Image Rotate
ThemeKit Image Rotate 2
Image Link

Two Images

In the two image version of the ThemeKit Rotate Image widget the images can be overlapped as shown in the version above.
Mobile Devices
The rotation can be turned off for touch devices which have no hover. The scale can also be reduced.
When an image is rotated on mobile devices it will rotate upright on tap as long as the image is not configured as a link.

ThemeKit Image Rotate 1
Image Rotate
ThemeKit Image Rotate 2
Image Link
