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Stacker Info
This page includes the following widgets …
Vertical Nav
The vertical navigation appears over a hero image and can be align vertically at the top, center or bottom. The overlay is a two column grid so the navigation can be positioned left or right or in the center by allowing it to span both columns.
Vertical List
The list is similar in layout to the vertical nav. It has the option to add custom list markers using HTML symbols converted to CSS.
The widget has a link to open the symbols page and instructions on how to convert and insert them.
Images Over Hero
Two images are inserted over a hero image with optional captions. The images have an opacity control for "artistic" blending of the foreground and background images.
Stacker Video
The video player can be used for Vimeo or YouTube videos by inserting the video ID. This type of player gives a much better user experience than the defauly Vimeo and YouTube widgets.
The player is horizontally and vertically centered in the container.
The container can be have a solid color background or an image. The background image is inserted in two sizes for computer and mobile devices.
The widget has an option for inserting an HTML heading for the video title. This can be placed above or below the player and its position on the Y-axis adjusted.
The video player has options to insert a poster image to display on page load and to set the initial volume..
The player has a maximum width setting and has the option to add a border and/or a box shadow.
MP4 Video
The MP4 video player is similar to the Vimeo/YouTube one except that it has the option to insert the video file in two sizes. On page load SD file is set by default. It can be changed to HD using the settings button in the control bar.
Text & List
This widget has a grid layout with two columns. On wider browser/device widths they sit side by side and stack on screen widths below the break point.
Link Blocks
This widget can insert two, three or four link blocks over a hero image. There are options for adding SVG icons, heading, span for price, date etc, text and links. Whne icons are inserted they can be hidden on phones if required.
The SVG icons are in the download folder. To insert an icon, open the file in or a code editor, copy the code and paste it into the widget settings panel.
Vertical Scroll
Althougj the panels can easily be scrolled by vertically swiping there is a widget which can be added to scroll them up and down using two tabs with chevron icons.
The tabs position can be switched to the bottom when viewed on tablets to make them more convenient and also hidden on phones where they are not really needed.