Stacker Hero
The hero image has an overlay with heading, text and a link.
The overlay can fade in on page load.
This page demonstrates the following widgets …
The image is inserted in three sizes for displaying on computers, tablets and mobile phones. The overlay can animate in and has a heading, text and an optional link which can open internal or external pages.
Lightbox Image
The lightbox container has a two column grid layout which switches to one below the break point. The image has an "open" icon which displays a large image in a lightbox window.
The text section has a heading and a paragraph and an optional CTA style link.
Lightbox Slider
The lightbox slider has a similar layout except it opens a slideshow on click or tap. The slider has navigation arrows and a counter. The slides can be navigated using grab and drag on computers and swipe on touch devices like the iPad and iPhone.
Contact Form
The form has a two column grid layout on browser/screen widths above the break point and switches to one column on narrrower screens.
The form has an option for a name and it has a modern style with placeholder text instead of labels.
It can have a large number of fields with input types for text, email, phone, date and url. The optional info box has a control to set its initial height.