EverWeb Widgets

Justified Gallery

Gallery Options

The gallery can accept up to 480 images. The thumbnail images do NOT lazy load but can be of varying aspect ratio. There is an option show a specific number of rows and display a "Load More" button for the visitor to choose to view more.
There is a setting for the row height and the thumbnail width is set to auto so that the script can calculate the justified grid layout.
Images can be sorted by title ascending, title descending, random, reverse or none.
Captions are optional and can slide up on hover if required.
The lightbox slider can open in fullscreen if required and has a play/pause button, increase and decrease controls and a slide counter.
The user toolbar at the bottom has options to display the caption, share, download and fullscreen. The share options are Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter, Google Plus VK and by email.
[1] The thumbnails on this page are set to load randomly. Refresh the browser to see the effect.
[2] The lightbox slideshow is set to open fullscreen when the browsers permits it.

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