Responsive Grid Fixed Header

EverWeb Widgets
Event Card

The Ancient Eagles

SSE HydroGlasgow G3 8YWDate: December 31th 2020Time: 2:30pm and 7:30pmOrganiser: OFF EntertainmmentTickets available online or at the stadium booking office

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Event Listing & Countdown Timer

Event Card

The card has a background image inserted in two sizes, a text block and an optional countdown timer. Below the break point, the text block slides below the counter.
The images used in this demo were cropped to 1200px and 800px respectively before importing into EverWeb.
Info Text
The info section has a heading, paragraph and optional CTA style link tab.
The paragraph has several spans for the various types of info. The spans are named for easy identification but can have any content. They are set as block items so that each goes in a line by itself automaticlly. Each span has a control for setting its font color.
The link can be configured to open internal or external pages and in a new window if required.
The optional timer has days, hours, minutes and seconds and is set up by entering the end date day, month, year and time.
There are controls to set the date/time color, the caption color, border color and the background color and its opacity.
The items can animate in by checking a box and entering the animation time and delay for each in seconds.
The animation direction for each can be selected from fade in, down, right, up and left.
The animation will occur every time the item is scrolled into the viewport. There is a control to change this to allowing the animation to occur only once.
By default, the animation is prevented from firing on mobile phones but this can be changed by checking a box.
The animations used in EverWeb Widgets should not be confused with the animation built into the EverWeb application. They work in a different way, are much more efficient and should NOT be inserted on the same page as any items with the default animations.