EverWeb Widgets

EverWeb Video PLYR YouTube

This video is created using PLYR. It can handle self hosted MP4 video and hosted video in the Vimeo and YouTube formats. It has extra functions for Picture In Picture, Airplay and fullscreen playback.
Far too many webmasters seem to be completely unaware that their videos cannot be indexed by the search engines. For this to happen, the video needs to be enclosed in an HTML5 container with a caption for the video title and a paragraph for a description of the content.
This video is in a <figure> element with the option to show a <figcaption> for the title and a <p> for the descriptive text.
The optional link can open internal or external pages or be used as a download link for the video file or product info.

YouTube Player Setup

All that's required to set up the video is to enter the YouTube ID and set the maximum width. For more control there are checkboxes to show/hide the indiviual control bar items and the various video player functions.
The controls are the large play button, the play button, progress bar, current time, mute buttom, volume control, settings button and the fullscreen button.
Player functions
There is control for setting the initial volume and checkboxes for auto pause, autoplay and muted.
If the aspect ratio of the video file is anything other than the default 16:9, there is a control to change it and prevent letter boxing.
The text area is optional but is really essential for SEO and should be used to enter the video title and a brief description of the video content with suitable keywords.