ThemeKit Cards

Display Cards

ThemeKit Display Card
V 3.0

Display Card


The card is a two column grid with an image and a text block.
Options for lazy loading the image and inserting a tag.

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Display Cards

Animation is an effect which is often overused. It can be irritating and cause motionn sickness for about 20% of website visitors unless it is smooth and subtle.
If animation it is used it should have some means of removing it on mobile phones where it just causes confusion and adds nothing to the user experience. The exception is some inimation in the hero item seen immediately on page load.

  • Image with padding and visible gradient background
  • Optional Info tag with text and box shadow
  • Optional animated link with alternative text
  • Container styles for border and bottom box shadow
  • Optional slide up on scroll animation.


The optional slide up in view animation has controls for animation time and dely in milliseconds.
The animation can occur once or every time the item enters the viewport.
By default the animation is turned off for mobile phones but can be turned on for these devices if really necessary.

ThemeKit Display Card

Switched Layout


In this example the layout is switched and the optional slide uo in view animation is applied.

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Text Card

The EverWeb ThemeKit Text Card widget combines several items in one widget to cut down on code and adds extra styles …

  • Main heading followed by text
  • An optional list with all the common style types
  • An optional second heading and a text block
  • Options for one or two internal links
  • Optional external link
  • Controls for styling span tags
  • Controls for styling ;mark tags


The optional slide up in view animation has controls for animation time and dely in milliseconds.
The animation can occur once or every time the item enters the viewport.
By default the animation is turned off for mobile phones but can be turned on for these devices if really necessary.