Clip Cards
ContentClipped text area with heading, styled span and text.
The EverWeb ThemeKit Clip Cards widget adds a touch of style to the basic card layout.
The widget can create a row of two, three or four cards,
When three cards are inserted the last one is centered in row two below the breakpoint.
The cards have …
The variable clip angle at the top is created using the CSS clip-path property. A control is provided to adjust the position of the text up and into the clipped area.
Using a twocolumn grid allows the slidder to insert only one image file per slide. Content or full width sliders require three files per slide to function efficiently.
Make sure any slider used on a responsive page has the following …
Autoplay is never a good idea since it takes conrol away from the visitor.
If autoplay is used on the computer version of a slider it must be removed for mobile devices.
If a footer is used it should only be on the home or info page and replaced by a compact show/hide footer bar on all other pages.
The ck Card Footer Bar has …