
EverWeb Widgets

Overlay Image Gallery

Overlay Gallery

The layout uses the CSS Grid Layout Module to allow images with different aspect ratios to be presented in a regular grid. The grid image sizes are set using a min-width setting and specifying a fixed row height or auto row height.
The grid item spacing and the all around padding can be adjusted to space out the thumbnails and show the grid background.
The overlay has a caption, optional separator line and a description. Optional icons can be added and the overlay can show on hover on computers.
The lightbox slideshow has captions and a slide counter. The images are responsive up to the maximum width of the image file.
Navigation is by directional arrows or grab and drag on computers and by swiping on touch devices.

ThemeKit Info Footer

Many good web page designs are ruined by a huge messy footer littered with non essential info and links. The Info Footer has everything a footer needs and nothing that it doesn't.
The footer has a three column grid layout. On screen widths above the break point the info tab and info text are in columns one and two and the spam protected email and the smooth scroll to the top functions are stacked in column three.
Below the break point, all three icons are inline in row one and the text and copyright notice move to row two.
Popup Links
Clicking/tapping the info tab opens a popup navigation with the first link being optional phone number which switches to a phone icon on mobile phones.
Links can be internal and/or external and have a new window option.