Grid Layers
A fixed height two column gird switches to responsive height with text overlay below the breakpoint.
The image can be configured as an internal/external link denoted by the icon at the top.right.
Two rows each with a two column grid with the option to overlap the image on the header and the text block on the image.
The column relative widths can be adjusted to suit the aspect ratio of the image..
The optional CTA (call to action) style link can open internal or external pages..
The EverWeb ThemeKit Graphic Design Article Layers widget shown above has three overlapping layers which create good content separation and a unique design.
The item has two rows - a header and a content grid - each with two columns.
The header has an h1 heading with options to add a text shadow and letter spaing to thicken up Google hosted fonts with only one font weight.
The content gris has an image with alt text and a lazy loading function and a text block with heading, text, styled spans and an optional internal/external link.
The image can overlap the header and the overlap amount is set in pixels. The article can overlap the image and the overlap amount is a percentage using a slider.