Graphic Design [2]

Image Wall

EverWeb ThemeKit


The ThemeKit Graphic Design Image Wall widget has a grid layout with controls for adjusting the number of items per row for each device type.
Each item has an image with alt text and a lazy load option. The captions can be align top, center or bottom and can appear on hover on conputers.
The optional image links are denoted by a link icon at the top right of the image


The grid has controls for setting the initial scale, rotate on the Y-axis, translate on the X-axis, switch direction, perspective, animation time and delay. There are checkboxes to selcet "animate on phones" and "animate only once".
The lower the value for perspective the more the effect. Setting the value to zero will remove the effect.

Adaptive Slider

Adaptive Slider

There aren't to many responsive sliders around that can successfully display images with radically different aspect ratios. This one was adapted from an existing script by completely rewriting the styles.
Any slideshow used on a responsive web page must supply a smaller image for mobile devices and this one is no exception.
The images are lazy loaded by default.
Captions & Links
The caption is below the image and is contained in the <figcaption> element for the best search engine indexing. The internal links are optional and are indicated by the link icon at the top right.
The icons can appear on hover when the slideshow is viewed on a computer.
The action tabs have controls for icon color and for the background color and its opacity. The tabs can be hidden below the breakpoint. Slides can be changed using the action tabs or grab and drag on computers and by swiping on touch devices.