ThemeKit Lite Theme

Image Gallery

Gallery Styles

The gallery has an auto CSS grid layout using the min-max proerty and the auto-fill keyword so no media queries are required.
The gallery will display images with different aspect ratios in a grid with a lightbox slideshow.
In default mode the thumbnails are displayed with their original aspect ratio and the captions outside below the image.
Checking the "Regulate Grid" box will arrange the thumbnails into a grid with equal size thumbnails. The rows have a control for adjusting the height. This determines the aspect ratio of the grid.
In the switched position the captions overlay the bottom of the image.
Laxy Loading
There is an option to lazy load the thumbnail images and this should be used if there are more than just a few images. The function should be turned on last prior to publishing as some or all of the images mayl disappear from view on the EverWeb design canvas.


Regulated Gallery

Lightbox Slider

The slide captions inherit the font set for the article text but have their own control for size and color. The color selected appears in the slide counter, directional arrows and the close tab.
The caption can either overlay the top or bottom of the image or appear outside the image at the bottom.
There are controls for setting the caption delay, transition - fade or slide - transition time and checkboxes for show/hide counter and overlay and to disable right click and to preload previous/next images.
The width and height ratios can be adjusted for odd shaped images and there is a checkbox to scale the images to these ratios.
The slideshow images are lazy loaded and have the option to preload the previous and next images.