EverWeb ThemeKit Lite Hero

✱ EverWeb
✱ ThemeKit
✱ Lite

The quick and easy way to create a professional grade website with EverWeb

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ThemeKit Lite

The ThemeKit Lite theme was design as an easy way for EverWeb users to upgrade to a responsive website without having to cope with the learning curve required when using EverWeb default items, Responsive Row and widgets.
Note that EverWeb ThemeKit themes do not require any of the EverWeb insert items, widgets or the Responsive Row.
Install the project file and widgets, download the icons and phone simulator, open the project, substitute your own content and publish.
Build a professional grade website in hours - not days or weeks!

Lite Video

Follow the link below to find out what type of video player is suitable for a responsive website and what needs to be done if Vimeo or YouTube is used.


ThemeKit Table Style Grid


Essential content items with info about responsive text, spacing, page load and article layout.


How to prepare and optimise images and insert them for the best results on mobile devices.


Most so called "responsive" slideshows are not suitable for use on responsive web pages. Find out more about this …


The multi purpose carousel for displaying images or text - or both - with optional spans and links.

Image Grid

The ultimate image grid for use as a gallery or product navigation with lots of options

Image Gallery

A versatile image lightbox gallery for displaying a regular or irregular image grid with captions.


A content width website video player needs to be able to show a larger video file for computers and a smaller one for mobile devices.

ThemeKit Themes

The ThemeKit themes are unlike anything available for EverWeb. They allow EverWeb users to create web designs to rival the more expensive Mobirise and Wordpress themes without the drawbacks inherent in these platforms.
Many EverWeb users seem reluctant to update their site to responsive due to the complexity and limitations of the EverWeb Responsive Row.
ThemeKit Themes make it really easy to create a modern website design with those upmarket features that can't be realised using the EverWeb default features and widgets.
The themes contain a completed project file and all the widgets ready set up with placeholder content.
The widgets themselves use the latest advances in web design and are far superior to anything else available to EverWeb users.
Each theme comes with a download link for 100s of SVG icons for replacing outdated PNG icons and inferior font icons like Font Awesome.
There's also a download link for the ThemeKit Phone Simulator which can be added to any EverWeb project for quickly checking how design elements look on mobile phones.

More Themes
ThemeKit Lite Sidebar 1


The ThemeKit Lite Sidebar widget has a grid layout with one or two columns. The main column is an HTML5 <article> and the sidebar is an <aside> element.
This main section has a heading and text and options for an image with alt text and an internal/external link.
When the two column layout is selected the relative widths of the main and sidebar sections can be adjusted.
Below the breakpoint either column can be on top.


ThemeKit Lite Slider

A responsive slideshow with the option of a single column or a two column grid.

ThemeKit Lite Slider 1
Captions on Hover
ThemeKit Lite Slider 2
Autoplay Option
ThemeKit Lite Slider 3
Pause on Hover
ThemeKit Lite Slider 4
No Autoplay on Mobile

Installing ThemeKit

The ThemeKit Themes are for those who want a ready set up website with all the required widgets and some extra ones for those less used items.
Fllow these steps to instal …

  • Open the Finder's Go menu while holding down the option key and click on "Library"
  • Open the Application Support folder and then the EverWeb folder
  • Locate the ThemeKit project file which has a .everweb extension and drag it into the EverWeb folder
  • Open EverWeb and the ThemeKit project will be in the list
  • Create a new category in the Widgets section of EverWeb and drag the widgets into it.
  • Select the ThemeKit project in the Projects Window and click the little up/down arrows to the right
  • Select "Duplicate …" from the list to make a copy to use for the project
  • Open the duplicate file in EverWeb by double clicking it and give it a suitable name
  • Keep the original ThemeKit file - with all its original settings - as a reference