Page Content
The items below are the ThemeKit onScroll Content widget with content item options and the onScroll Links widget which creates an animated on scoll navigation bar.
The ThemeKit onScroll Content has an optional image and optional text content making it a very versatile page content item.
The image is inserted in three size with an alt text attribute and a lazy loading option. The capton is optiona.
The image can be configured as an internal link denoted by the icon at the top right. It has controls to add aa border and/or a bottom box shadow. The row gap control is used when the image has a shadow and the text content is inserted.
The text area has …
The image has controls for animation rotate angle, transition distance, rotate and transition axis for reverse rotate and transition.
The perspective control uses vw (viewort width) units. The lower the value - the more the effect.
The ThemeKit onScroll Links widget creates a row of link tabs which can be configured to open internal or external pages.
The tabs have an optional chevron right icon and a hover background animation on computers.
There are controls for link min width and for setting the horizontal and vertical spacing.
The animation controls are a slider which sets the scroll ratio and a checkbox to reverse the scroll direction.