ThemeKit Podcast hero

ThemeKit Podcast

Create a Podcast or Vodcast with EverWeb


Podcast versus Blog

Due to the pandemic and the availability of a large range of podcast/vodcast creation tools - the podcast is gradually replacing the blog as a means of reaching a wider audience.
A blog is only suitable for a stationary audience while an audio podcast is suitable for a mobile audience using tablets and phones.
The younger the target audience the more important it is to ditch blogging and go for audio or video to engage your website visitors and potential customers.
Deciding whether it is worth upgrading from audio to video will very much depend on the subject, products or services being presented.
It's possibleto get into podcasting with just an iPhone and a suitable app. A comprehensive pro quality setup can be acquired for a modest three figure sum.

Get Started

To find out how to get into podcasting check out the podcast and the vodcast linked to below …

Make Money

An audio or video podcast is one of the best ways to generate more income from a website and to keep visitors coming back for more.
Find out how to make more money from your EverWeb website with an audio or video podcast …

Popular Podcasts



Any item that reduces the amount of on screen contetn height is an asset when designing a responsive page layout.

Podcast List



The header icon indicates vertical scrolling on computers and switches to horizontal swiping on mobile devices.

Podcast Episodes


Vertical Scroll

Computer users are used to vertical scrolling.
The content scrolls horizontally on vertical mouse/trackpad scroll.

Audio Bar



Mobile touch device users are used to swiping left/right and will be familiar with this action.
Vertical swiping is enabled by default on mobile devices.

Audio Podcast


Optional Span

The items have a heading, optional span, text description and a full width link with background hover animation.

Audio Sidebar



The links can be globally switched between internal and external.
Links can have common or individual text.

Audio Playlist



The containers have controls for with, horizontal spacing and for border width, color and radius.

Video MP4



The scroller can be full width or be centered with a max width setting.
The background can be a solid color or a two color gradient.

