Podcast Title
A responsive podcast list with a three column grid layout with a podcast ID field, description and a link to the episode.
A responsive podcast list with a three column grid layout with a podcast ID field, description and a link to the episode.
The search function has an input field for entering keywords and a refresh action tab with an SVG icon.
Author: EverWeb Widgets
The h2 with the episode number can be vertically aligned at the top or the center.
The link to the podcast can be vertically aligned top, center or bottom.
The links have common link text with the default being the standard "read more" icon.
They have controls for font size, color, border radius, background and hover background.
The separator has controls for percentage width, height, color and style - dashed, dotted, double and .solid.
The optional bottom links can open internal or external pages and are designed to link to the previous and next list of podcasts.
The search box has controls for font size, color, background color border color. The refresh icon has a control to set its color.
The home page hero is the first item new visitors will see so it needs to create a good impression and portray the vibe of the podcast.
To create an identity the hero can show the podcaster, the studio or a representative image of the subject matter.
The ThemeKit Podcast hero inserts the image in three sizes for the various devices. The image has an opacity silder which is used in conjunction with the selected background color to reduce its intensity if required.
The podcast hero has …