ThemeKit Podcast

Vimeo Vodcast

ThemeKit Vimeo Podcast

ThemeKit Podcast
Vimeo Video

Author:Date:Run Time:

The ThemeKit Podcast Vimeo widget shows a poster image with a center play tab on page load. The tab has a background hover animation.
The poster image can be lazy loaded if the item is not in view on page load.
Non 16:9 aspect videos can be displayed by enetering the video file's with and height in the widget settings.
The optional links can have an SVG icon if required and can be configured to open internal or external pages.


Hosted video like Vimeo and YouTube tend to have poor download performance. The onload appearance and download efficiency can be improved by adding a poster image and and applying lazy loading to the video file.

SVG Icons

There are 100s of SVG icons in the download folder linked to in the ThemeKit Podcast widgets download folder "read me first" file.

  • Double-click the icon file to open it in in plain text mode
  • Alternatively use a simple code editor
  • Copy the code & paste it into the widget settings
  • Set the icon's background color


SVGs (Scalable Vector Graphics) are used to replce PNGs and font icons in web design due to their superior quality and download performance.
Follow the link below to download a free app to open SVG icons to get the code …
