Reveal Nav Bar
The ThemeKit Reveal Nav Bar was designed to put the action tab in the most convenient place for those using mobile touch devices who make up over 60% of the visitors.
The nav bar has controls for smooth scroll down, navigation action tab and smooth scroll top the top.
The links slide up on click or tap and are centered horizontally in the browser/device window. When the nummber of links excedes the height of the browser/device window any overflow will scroll into view.
Smooth Scroll
The scroll down chevrom tab scrolls the page down by the viewport height on each click or tap. The scroll down and scroll to the top functions each have their own control for scroll time set in milliseconds.
The nav bar has a fixed position so it can be inserted last on the page belwo the footer widget.
The links are in view on the EverWeb design canvas for setup and styling. They are hidden prior to publishing by checking a box
Bar Styling
The bar itself has a control for background color and opacity. In the example on this page the background opacity is set to zero.
The tabs have controls for setting the background color, icon color and hover color. Their spacing is adjusted using the maximum width setting.
The reveal animation has controls to turn it on and to set the animation time and delay.
Nav Styling
Both the nav container and the links have controls for background color and opacity. The hover and current page links are indicated by a change in background color. The hover animates in/out to add a smooth, professional touch.
The links have controls for top/bottom and left/right padding, text align and link vertical spacing.
Note that the ThemeKit Gradient Spacer widget is used to create a space below the footer so that the navigation bar doesn't cover part of it when the page bottom is reached.