MP4 Video
MP4 videowith options for a heading, text and link
MP4 videowith options for a heading, text and link
Article image launches Vimeo in a lightbox
Action bar opens a YouTube video in a modal
Hero autoplay video switches to image on mobile devices
Slide in panels with MP4, Vimeo or YouTube video
Mic MP4, Vimeo & YouTube in a lightbox gallery
The grid can appear as a stand alone or have a header with a heading and a search funtion and refresh icon action tab.
The search field has controls for the placeholder text and input text styles. The search box has controls for adding a border with radius..
The grid items have …
When the header is added there is an oprion to show the search box and the refresh icon.
NOTE that the search refesh function will not work until the page is published to an internal or external server.