ThemeKit Video

Vimeo/YouTube Poster

 YouTube Video Title & Poster Image
YouTube Poster Image

Poster Image & Video Title

One of the problems with inserting Vimeo and YouTube is that you are stuck with the on load image and title. In YouTube players this can look downright nasty and detracts from the appearance of the page layout.
The ThemeKit Video Poster widget inserts a poster image with play icon and the video title on page load.
Poster Image
The poster image has the same aspect ratio as the video file and has the option to be lazy loaded when it is not in view on page load.
The "play" icon has controls for the icon color, icon background and its opacity and for hover background color.
The title can use a web-safe font or a Google hosted font with a web safe fallack. It has controls for font size, color and for the background color and its opacity.
Video Player
The video stage can have a border and/or a bottom box shadow with the option to remove the bottom border.

Vimeo Title & Poster Image
Vimeo Poster Image
