Slick Versatile Responsive Slider
This is a very versatile slideshow which can be used to replace unsuitable sliders on responsive pages. The slider loads two sizes of image - one for wide browsers and the other for mobile devices.
The images used in this demo were sized to 1200 x 800px for the large images and 600 x 400px for the ones shown on mobile devices.
Height & Width
The slideshow can be either fully responsive with a maximum width, full width, fixed height switching to responsive height on mobile or full width, full height switching to responsive height on screen widths below the break point setting.
Navigation is by directional arrows and grab and drag on computers. The arrows can be remove on mobile devices where the slides can be changed by swiping.
The transition type can be slide or fade and the transition time is set in milliseconds.
The overlay captions are optional and can be aligned left center or right at the bottom of the image. As can be seen from the example they can use a Google hosted or non web safe font with a web safe fallback. They have controls for font size, color, background color and its opacuty and padding.
The images can be configured as links to open internal or external pages. The links have a new window option.
To make it possible for visitors using mobile devices to know that the image is a link there is the option to insert an icon at the top right.
The captions, arrows and icons can show on hover when viewed on computers.