Image Insert
Images are one of the most important items in a website so it is important to prepare and insert them properly. The info links below open pages which describe how to prepare and compress images for the web.
Images need to be inserted in two sizes - one for desktop computers and laptops and the other for smaller mobile devices. The images used in the demo were cropped to 960px - equal to the max width setting - and 720px for mobile devices before importing into EverWeb.
The images are inserted in an HTML5 <figure> element using the <picture> element to provide the two sizes and an alt text attribute.
Using the <figure> allows us to insert a caption in the <figcaption> element which lets the search engines know that the descriptive caption is related to the image file.
The caption is the most important item for visitors just as the alt text is important to the search engines and screen readers and should have descriptive keywords.
The font can be Google hosted with a web safe fallback and the caption can be aligned left, center or right.
The container has options to add padding, background color and opacity, border, border radius and an offset box shadow with controls for X, Y, switch and shadow color and opacity.
The image has the option to be configured as an internal or external link with a new window option.
Since mobile users don't have a hover cursor to indicate an image link there is an option to show an icon at the top right which can display only on hover when viewed on computers.