ThemeKit Lap Hero Image
Grid Layout - Columns & Rows


The grid has a three columns and five row layout using the CSS3 Grid Layout Module.
Each of the five items can be inserted using checkboxes. The image and the articles can be assigned to specific rows.
Row Assign
The header and footer are always in the first and last rows.
The image and the articles can be individually assigned to rows 1, 2 or 3.

ThemeKit Lap Multi Grid

Column Span

Each item can be horizontally align using values for start column and column span.
In the example the items are placed as follows …

  • The header starts in column 1, spans 2 columns and is aligned left
  • The image is in row 2, spans all three columns and is centred with a max width setting
  • Article [1] is in row 3, starts in column 2 and spans columns 2 and 3
  • Article 2 is in row 3, starts in column 1 and spans 2 columns
