Hero Wipe Slideshow
A full width, fixed height hero slider makes a great first impression when viewed on a computer but not so much on mobile devices where the fixed height doesn't show off the images at their best.
This slideshow improves the situation by changing the image to responsive width and height on tablets and phones.
The switch is achieved by making the images responsive using an intrinsic aspect ratio which is automatically calculated from the image width and height.
The images in the demo were cropped and optimised before importing into EverWeb.
- Large image 1200 x 800px optimised to 120KB
- Medium image 720 x 480px optimised to 77KB
- Phone portrait image 375 x 540px optimised to 49KB
Captions & Controls
The captions can run to two or more lines and can be aligned at the top or bottom and left, center or right.
The captions and the directional action tabs share the same color and background color.
The tabs are placed togetther at the bottom right for the conveniemce of computer users. On mobile devices they are vertically centered at the left and right.
The wipe transition can be either horizontal or vertical.
Image Links
The images can be configured as internal or external links if required and have a new window option.