Justified Gallery
The ThemeKit Expo Justified Gallery creates a justified grid from a bunch of irregular images with options for a caption and a link icon.
The grid can be centered with a maximum width or made full width by checking a box.
Grid Items
The size of the grid items is controlled by the setting for the grid row height. The images can be spaced out using the grid gap control and can have a border if required.
The captions and the link icons can show on hover on computers if required.
There is a checkbox to turn on the shuffle function which reorders the grid images randomly each time the page is loaded.
Lightbox Slideshow
The lightbox images are displayed responsively up to a maximum width equal to the image file's width.
The captions and controls inherit the font family set for the grid. There are controls to set the font size, color and background color for the captions, slide counter, close tab and the previous/next controls.
The slide captions can be inserted to overlay the image at the top or bottom or outside the image at the bottom and have an adjustable delay time.
The slideshow transition can be slide or fade and the transition time is set in milliseconds.
There are controls to prevent right click image download, to adjust for odd shaped images and to set the color and opacity of the overlay.
The images are lazy loaded and there is a control to preload the previous and next slide for a better viewing experience.